Mouse And The Girlfriend

Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry is about the drama that was waiting for me when I woke up.

The day in question started in question started with me waking up to a noise. I instantly knew what it was but I didn’t want to deal with it. I wanted to enjoy my sleep.

However the noise had other plans for me. I opened one eye and sure enough, there the thing sat chopping on something it had found.

Yes, a mouse was sitting on my stand where I have my television and not only was the thing chopping, but it seemed to be looking at me.

There was nothing else to do but scream bloddy murder. And yes, it scampered away taking what it was eating with him. I watched where he ran and sure enough, it was a hole in that stupid undone bathroom.

I wiggled my way out of bed, grabbed something that would hold when it tried to climb through it later. The hoe was a little larger than normal and I was just over it. Over the fact the boy had started to tear apart the bathroom and hasn’t made progress on it but left me holes galore so mice could get in. Yes, I was tired of waking up to the sounds and sights of mice. I should buy stock in poison. If I did, I would be a very rich woman.

Now that I was up and moving, I decided it would be best to go about my chores. I was just about done when my cell phone went off. It was the boy. I couldn’t imagine what he could possibly want seeing he was working.

He asked if I would be willing to take the girlfriend up to his boss’s house for they were suppose to be having a meal and a nice evening. I was in no mood to deal with her or any of her drama but the love I have for my son overrode everything.

So, I made a call. She didn’t answer. Go figure. I called again. Nothing. Iwould call off and on with no answer. I mean, what could I do? I could only do so much.

I even called the boy to report my findings, but of course he didn’t answer either. I had slowly gotten annoyed throughout the day and by the time the man of the house came home, I was getting ticked off with these two. I had wasted my whole day trying to figure out what I was suppose to do. Good thing I hadn’t gone to the house or her parents house to see if she was at either one of them.

Finally, in the early afternoon, and the annoyance of the boy’s father who left a nasty voice mail about answering his phone. We were just about to head out to go see where she was at when the boy finally called to state the girlfriend had been picked up by his boss’s wife and they had been out running around. And although she had seen the man of the house and I calling, she just choose to ignore us.

Can you say annoyed? And if that wasn’t bad enough, that stupid mouse that had woke me up, was now out running around in the room again. Thankfully, the man of the house saw it and worked hard in catching it but he didn’t manage to do so. In fact, all he managed to do was make me more annoyed.

I told him to go to bed that I would deal with the mouse problem. Once he was gone and I hadn’t seen the mouse in five minutes, I went around plugging up anything I thought might be the entrance point.

Exhausted, I climbed into bed more than willing to put this day in the life of a Slocum behind me and yes, that happened but somehow that mouse was more sneaker than I thought for he was out running around causing me to be up all night chasing the darn thing.

Published by janslocum

Trying to get through life one day at a time and love others

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