My Poor Baby

Contining down memory lane and this journal entry is about my baby. The princess. The ruier of the home. The dog to end all dogs. The love I have for her is unmatched. She has been with me for years. She was a anniversary gift from the man of the house and she has been throw things with us through them all.

And in the day in question, the princess was put out as normal and would be left outside until the man of the house came home.

Now mind you, she has a dog house, water, and food. I check on her about every hour besides, she loves to be outside. It’s like her kingdom and she gaurds it well.

In the day n question, the day started out as normal for me going about my daily chores and such, blah, blah, blah. Nothing really happened in the morning so I was thinking this going to be a drama free day.

So, when the man of the house came home and brought the princess in with him, I knew my day was abouot to change. He never brought her in early because she loved being ooutside to much.

So, when I saw her in the man of the house’s arms not moving, I become concerned. The man of the house gave her over to me and I knew instantly why he had brought her in.

Her eyes had scretches and was starting to swell and there was blood coming from her body. She had some major scratches on her body. She was in pain and my heart went out to her.

I had just checked on her an hour before the man of the house came home and I didn’t see anything nor was she acting different. So, what had happened to her, I don’t know, but one thing was for sure, I was feeling guilty for not keeping a better eye on her.

We cleaned her up carefully. Then the man of the house layed her carefully on the bed. She snuggled up like no one’s business. She wouldn’t move for the rest of the night.

And when the boy called to see about her seeing as I had left a message about what happened with her on his phone and he was just getting off work, he immediately wanted to come home and take care of her. However, I told him see was fine for now and he should go home I would keep him posted. Was not happy with his mother but I didn’t want to overwhelm her. I wanted to keep her safe and protected.

My darling princess would not leave my side the rest of the evening and we babied her like never before. She would go on to whip and whine throuh the night but at least she was safe and I could put this day in the life of a Slocum to bed where it belonged.

Published by janslocum

Trying to get through life one day at a time and love others

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