This Is Getting Out Of Hand

Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry is all about the girlfriend and how she wwent to the Emergency Room and was not seen. Hospital’s services are getting way out of hand and people who are in need are getting screwed out the a@@ in being billed way too much or not being seen. Well, at least this is what is happening in our area.

The day in question started out as normal and in the afternoon, the girlfriend called to say she was in pain. She has been feeling pain in her stomach area for way to long and every time she goes to the emergency room, the nurses and doctors say they can’t find anything and that is if she is lucky to see someone who has a medical degree.

So, when she called and I heard the tears in her voice I told her there was nothing I could do until he man of the house got home from work and the boy wasn’t answering seeing as he was at work as well.

She wasn’t happy but there wasn’t anything I could do at the moment. The moment the man of the house came home, she called again and begged us to come out. She said she was in the bathroom puking and the baby was upstairs in the crib and although he was sleeping, he was beginning to move so she knew he would be waking up soon. She was definately scared and was afraid she couldn’t get to the baby in time because she couldn’t get off the bathroom floor.

Needless to say, we flew out to the house although we live 30+ minutes away. Well, it tooks us twenty minutes and when we got there, the boy’s car was home, and he already was loading up the baby. He said he had gotten the girlfriend’s frantic message and came home early to find the baby was now awake and she was hoovering over the toilet and his dog? Well, she was upstairs somehow jumped in the crib and was taking care of the baby who was enjoying the company.

While the boy’s dad convinced him to let us take the baby and dog, I went in to find the girlfriend doubled over. Her face was puffy from crying and she was now in the process of doing dry heeves. She apologized for us coming out but she didn’t know what she could do about the baby and don’t forget how guilty she felt for leaving him in the crib.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I think she is a fantastic mother and does her best, but I was not happy with her leaving him in the crib although it might have been the safest place for him until we got there.

The man of the house and the boy literally had to help her in the car. They headed out while we headed for home with the baby and to wait on word.

We waited. We texted. No word. They had made it to the emergency room and so far they hadn’t left the waiting area although they did get checked in fine.

One hour went by, then two, three, four five, and six hours. The baby who had played hard went down hours ago with the man of the house while I stayed awake waiting on word.

I’m not kidding when I say on the seventh hour of waiting for all involved, the boy called to see what he should do. The girlfriend had not only been seen by a doctor nor any test ran, she had laid on the floor with a filled trash can full of puke with no movement from anyone.

When I asked if he had gone up to see what the deal was, he said he had but they said they were busy and he showed me the waiting room and the boy and dthe girlfriend were the only ones in there and had been for hours two through seven. And yes, people had come and gone in before them.

He was frustrated and when now his temper and annoyance was starting to come through. I told him to go back to the registration counter and push the issue.

Well, that probably wasn’t a good idea because the clerk behind the glass called the security and security was telling the boy he had to leave. Are you serious right now? In fact, security helped get the girlfriend in the car.

So, now here we are, the girlfriend hadn’t been seen and they were heading back to the house with no answers and emotions running amuck. Finally, they made it home and settled in as best as they could be, I was able to put this not so typical day in the life of a Slocum in the memory books where it belonged.

Published by janslocum

Trying to get through life one day at a time and love others

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