The Boy Finished His First Deck

Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry is about the boy and his big accomplishment or at least in my mind.

The day in question started out with me doing my normal thing while both the man of the house and the boy went to work.

The boy had been working on a deck in the city. He had been driving back and forth for two weeks. Driving two hours one way using his own vehicle and gas.

He had been stuck in traffic jams and got caught in road work that scared the beejeeses out of him. As a mother, I worried about him going up and back constantly. I wanted, no, I needed hm to be safe.

As a mother, I was ticked off at his boss for letting him go up alone. His boss never went up with him one single time. His boss threw him to the wolves. I was discussed and highly annoyed.

So, imagine my shock when the boy called in the middle of the afternoon. I was freaked out. He should have been working when he was calling. So, I held my breath when I answered, expecting the worst.

However, the voice on the other end sounded excited and thrilled. The boy spoke fast and it was hard for me to keep up with what he was saying.

Thankfully, I knew that he wasn’t speaking like this because he was in trouble but he was excited. He finally took a breath and began to tell me he had finished the deck job.

You did what? You finished the deck and the customer was over the moon with the results and more importantly, you did it all on your own? I am beyond proud and yes, this is definately a moment to be celebrated and acknowledged.

Granted it took quite awhile but he did the job on his own without any help. I loved that he was proud of himself and what he accomplished.

I would transfer some money over to his bank account so him and his girlfriend could go out to dinner and celebrate. I even offered to babysit the baby.

When I saw him in person, his face had such a glow to it. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that he could accomplish anything he set his mind to.

So, when the this day in the life of a Slocum finally came to an end, I was more than excited and willing to put the accomplishment of the boy in the memory book where it belonged.

Published by janslocum

Trying to get through life one day at a time and love others

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