So Annoyed

Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry is just a b$tch session on how annoyed I am with my so called husband.

The day in question started with me being woke up to the man of the house handing me a baby who not only needed changed but also fed.

We had kept the baby because the boy and girlfriend had gone to the emergency room the night before and hadn’t gotten seen so, now, they had been up all night and she still in pain, and we will continue to watch the baby until things settle down.

So, here I am with the baby and the man of the house has the nerve to come back in and say he headed out. Was he going to work? Oh, no. That would have been fine if he had but he was going to help the neighbors who really didn’t need his two cents worth but did he care? Oh, no. Nor did he care about leaving me alone with the baby.

Well, let me tell ya, this baby is not so much of a baby any more. He is getting so big and he is no longer on formula except for when he sleeps, but solid food.

I am not sure what to feed him and I search through the diaper bag but didn’t find anything. We had picked him up so fast, we didn’t think about going through the diaper bag. So, I was thinking maybe eggs would do the trick. So, I cooked up a little bit.

Although the baby enjoyed the eggs, he also enjoyed making a mess and throwing some down to the dog. When the man of the house finally came home, I was covered with eggs, the living room was covered in eggs, the baby was covered in eggs, and the dog was doing his best to eat all up as fast as he could. Do you think the man of the house stopped to help out? Oh, no. he said he was just stopping by to let me know he was heading out again and I’m not sure where he said he was going for I was so annoyed.

Somehow I managed to get the baby cleaned up and decided to take the baby to see my mother and enjoy the AC. When she finally got annoyed with us being there, I headed up to see my sister where we ended up having a really nice time.

She helped out terrmendously and she was in the process of giving the baby crackers when the man of the house came walking in. Now mind you, these two don’t get along and she wasn’t happy he had left me with baby but I was like whatever. He said we had to leaved and I’m thinking something happened as fast as we got out of there.

But when we got home, he said he was leaving again and by now, I am so over him. Why on earth did I have to leave my sister when your leaving? He proceeded to say, the boy might be calling to let me know the results of the girlfriend’s visit to another emergency room in our area.

I had been so busy with the baby and dog, I didn’t have time to look at Life360 to see where the boy was. But sure enough, he had gone to the hospital with the girlfriend and this time she had gotten seen and had gotten test done and had a diagnoses this time. I didn’t catch what it was seeing as I was busy entertaining the baby and dog. She had gotten medicine in her and she was feeling better but could we still watch the baby?

Of course son, go home and get rest. Well it would be several hours before I could. I was able to get the baby down for the night and was settling in when the man of the house finally came home. I couldn’t find the words to even say to him. I was that tired but I think my face said it all, and it was only minutes after he left for his room that my eyes shut putting this day in the life of a Slocum to bed.

Published by janslocum

Trying to get through life one day at a time and love others

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