Lost Wedding Ring

Continuing down memory lane, and this journal entry is about my annoyance with the man of the house.

The day in question started and was going rather normally. In fact, I was enjoying the day. I had gotten everything i wanted to get done, done, and now I was getting ready to settle in to watch tennis.

I was so enjoying the tennis match when the cell phone started to ring. I looked and noticed it was the man of the house, He was calling even after he had already called me at lunch time.

His first word’s out of his mouth was don’t get mad. I’m already mad and he hadn’t even really said anything.

I didn’t say anything so, I guess he thought this would be his cue to continue to speak.

He began to tell me his wedding ring had busted in two. Okay, fine. just how did that happen? Well, according to him, he didn’t know. What do you mean you don’t know?

Well, one moment he was working and drving and had it on him then the next moment he looked down and found his ring wasn’t on his hand. In fact, he found it on the floor in pieces.

Are you kidding me? Mind you, I don’t care that the ring broke but what I did care about is how he had no clue it had come off and why it had come off. I felt as if he was lying to me about the whole drama.

He kept him hawling around. He couldn’t keep his answers straight when I tried to ask questions. There was nothing left to do but to tell him whatever and hang up on him.

When he finally made it home, he entered the room I was in slowly not sure of what he might find. I say again, I wasn’t mad about the ring busting, I was angry about the bullsh$t story he was trying to push down my throat.

He handed me the pieces of ring and once again started to say how sorry he was afer all he’s had that ring for well over twenty years.

But the fact he is trying to tell me he didn’t even notice the ring on the floor is beyond unbelievable. I notice every time I am not wearing mine so yeah. And it may be true seeing as he was at work and driving and all but I know him well enough to know he wasn’t telling me everything. There was nothig left to do was hold out until he cracked.

And he did, right before he went to bed. He came to me to tell me that when he was getting in his truck, he slammed his hand in the doorway and he noticed the ring got bent. So, he took it off and placed it in the cup holder.

And then sometime during his trip, he hit some pot holes and the ring flew up and out then landed on the floor. He was thinking he would get it when he stopped. Okay, now your talking.

But then he got carried away driving and forgot the ring was on floor and when he went to get out, he kicked the ring, the ring went up inbetween the clutch and thinking he could just put his foot up in the clutch and pull it down, he managed to step on it and seeing it was already bent, the ring broke in half. No, in pieces. Yeah, now we got the truth.

I assured him now that the truth was out, I was okay with the ring breaking and all was well but it just goes to show how typical day in the life of a Slocum can be.

Published by janslocum

Trying to get through life one day at a time and love others

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