Night Time Drama

Continuing the drama from the previous post but now, we are dealing with the boy and the girlfriend, and of course mother drama.

Still on the day in question from how the dog was protective of the baby but now we are home from going on the boat and dealing with the dog at the beach.

We hadn’t even gotten out of the car when my mother was calling. She was in a panic. She wanted to know if I had seen life360 lately and I told her no and she let me know in no uncertain terms the boy and girlfriend were going the wrong way in coming home. He was headed for Michigan. She swore up and down he was going the wrong way.

Okay, mom. What do you want me to do about it? It is not like I can get in a car and go get him. So, I did the next best thing. I made a call. Of course he didn’t answer. I wouldn’t expect anything less.

But, my mother wasn’t having it. She continue to call. Fine. I had a dog who wouldn’t leave the baby side, and a walking baby who was screaming because he was hungry, and I was on the verge of losing it.

There is one thing about watching them a couple day’s but we were on day nine and not only was my body hurting, but I was about emotionally spent. It had been a long time since I had to take care of kid’s full time and I realized somewhere during this time, I was over that phase. I didn’t want to raise another one.

As I was fixing the baby something, my mother called back to say she had gotten ahold of the boy so, there was no need for me to call him. I hadn’t. I’m telling you, I was busy.

She proceeded to tell me, they had gone to an ice cream place about twenty miles from cedar point someone suggested they try while they were talking to them waiting on rides and now they were on the way home. Great.

And two hours later, where did the boy find me? Asleep. The man of the house offered to take the baby and I wasn’t going to turn him down by any means.

I don’t think the boy got a chance to breathe before my mother was calling to say she fixed him sloppy joes and he needed to get over there right away. Great. Thanks, mom. I’m glad I got the chance to hear all about the trip.

He did take the baby and of course the baby is still having trouble with my mother and she gave the boy an earful about that and she threw his parents under the bus because we were trying to keep him from her. As if but whatever. I should be used to it.

He finally came back but did I get to talk with him? No. He said he was exhausted and just wanted to get home. Great. Thanks, mom for watching the baby and dog. Nope, nothing. At this point I didn’t care. I just wanted my bed.

So, when they left, I think the man of the house and I immediately headed for our respective bed to let sleep over take us. Well, I at least waited until the boy got in his driveway before ending this long, emotional, drama filled day in the life of a Slocum.

Published by janslocum

Trying to get through life one day at a time and love others

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