Her Day Didn’t Go As Planned

Continuing down memory lane, this journal entry is about the girlfriend and for the slightest moment I felt bad for her. The day in question started like any other day, doing my chores the boy’s are are work and then I get this text message from the boy who states the girlfriend was at herContinue reading “Her Day Didn’t Go As Planned”


Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry is about the girlfriend’s mom and her trying to out do the man of the house and I where the baby is concerned. The day in question started as normal. The boy’s are at work and I have been doing my thing I normally do. When IContinue reading “Grandparents”

The Ranger Called

Continuing down memory lane, and this journal entry is how the ranger called to give us a piece of his mind. Let me explain. The man of the house called me in the early afternoon on the day in question to state he had recieved a phone call. I was thinking it was from theContinue reading “The Ranger Called”


Continuing down memory lane, and this hournal entry is about the boat and how I am sooooooooooooooo over boating season. The day started with me not feeling all that well, sleeping in, and sleeping when I could trying to get my stomach form wanting to hurle while the boy headed for a car show andContinue reading “ADrift”

That Got Out Of Hand Quick

Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry should be short and sweet but it’s also about how frustrated I am and became with the girlfriend and the boy over a situation that didn’t have to happen. The day in question started with me being woken up by the cell phone ringing. It was theContinue reading “That Got Out Of Hand Quick”

Car Show’s, Grocery Shopping, Missing Wallet, And A Father In Law Visit

Continuing down memory lane, this journal entry is about an action packed day with the boy and the grandson. The day in question started with it being Saturday and the boy showed up to chit chat before he was going to head to a car show. He asked me if I wanted to go withContinue reading “Car Show’s, Grocery Shopping, Missing Wallet, And A Father In Law Visit”

She’s What And Now She’s Upset

Continuing down memory lane, and this journal entry is all about that girlfriend and her mama. To say I am over the girlfriend’s mother is an understatement. She can cause more drama than any woman I know. Like the day in question. I had been doing extremely well. I was up, done my chores, andContinue reading “She’s What And Now She’s Upset”

Buying Our Car

Continuing down memory lane, and this journal entry is about how the man of house sold our car to some weird guy. Let me explain, the day in question was same day as the boy’s car show only we had been asleep for about two hours. Meaning, it was late at night when this guyContinue reading “Buying Our Car”

You Shouldn’t Have Made Him Stay

Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry is about how the boy was annoyed with being a parent. The day in question started out with me really being in pain. I was up all night with this stupid hip and as I try to put weight on it after waking up I fell backContinue reading “You Shouldn’t Have Made Him Stay”

The Slocum Visits The Zoo

Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry is concerning the time we took the baby to the zoo. Well, not your normal zoo, anyway. The day in question started with the boy stopping in at the house real quick to drop off the baby. Now, mind you, I don’t mind watching the baby, butContinue reading “The Slocum Visits The Zoo”