Day With The Baby And Dog While She Had Fun

Continuing down memory lane, this journal entry is about me still watching the baby while the boy is at Cedar Point having fun with the girlfriend. The day in question started out with the man of the house being home seeing as it was Saturday. He was up with the baby. He had changed himContinue reading “Day With The Baby And Dog While She Had Fun”

So Annoyed

Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry is just a b$tch session on how annoyed I am with my so called husband. The day in question started with me being woke up to the man of the house handing me a baby who not only needed changed but also fed. We had kept theContinue reading “So Annoyed”

Buying Our Car

Continuing down memory lane, and this journal entry is about how the man of house sold our car to some weird guy. Let me explain, the day in question was same day as the boy’s car show only we had been asleep for about two hours. Meaning, it was late at night when this guyContinue reading “Buying Our Car”

The Slocum Visits The Zoo

Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry is concerning the time we took the baby to the zoo. Well, not your normal zoo, anyway. The day in question started with the boy stopping in at the house real quick to drop off the baby. Now, mind you, I don’t mind watching the baby, butContinue reading “The Slocum Visits The Zoo”

Award Pickup

Continuing down memory lane, this journal entry is about the time the girlfriend and I went to a city to pick up some awards for the boy. The day in question started with me doing my thing until the girlfriend called to see if I could take her to a city about an hour awayContinue reading “Award Pickup”

Why Doesn’t She Listen To Me

Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry is about how fast my mother can annoy me. The day in question started out with me doing really well. I felt like I could accomplish anything. Something I have struggled with for a very long time. I know it’s a mind problem, and it has aContinue reading “Why Doesn’t She Listen To Me”

Scraping Gone Wrong

Continuing down memory lane, and this journal entry is about the day we, the man of the house and I spent the day scrappng and the sh$tshow that went along with it. The day in question started with the man of the house who is on suspension from his job for something really stupid, isContinue reading “Scraping Gone Wrong”

The Man Of The House Keeps Leaving

Continuing down memory and this journal memory is basically a rant. A rant about the man of the house. The day in quetion started out with me really getting a handle on my daily chores right out of the gate. And the man of the house? He was up and out early for work evenContinue reading “The Man Of The House Keeps Leaving”

New Phones Mixed With Drama Of Course

Continuing down memory lane, this journal entry is thanks in part to the boy and his ablity to handle the bullsh$t cell phone companies try to push on you. As a back story, we needed new phones. I hate getting new phones. There is always some sort of drama. The girlfriend has had a phoneContinue reading “New Phones Mixed With Drama Of Course”

A Waste Of Trip

Continuing down memory lane and I am now in Feburary of this year. Yea me! And this journal entry is all about the waste of trip with the girlfriend. The day started with me getting up early so I could get my daily chores done so I could get ready and head out to theContinue reading “A Waste Of Trip”