Mouse Vs. Me And The Man Of The House

Continuing down memory lane, this journal entry is coming straight from the woods of Mississippi and, of course, is all about me. The Day in question started with me getting up and doing my thing at home, hoping for a drama free day. But of course, that was not to the case. As I wasContinue reading “Mouse Vs. Me And The Man Of The House”

Who Chases A Mouse While Nakedb

So, I’m till going down memory lane and I came cross the journal entry that still makes me embarassed but I’ve learned to live with it. The day in questiom started out normal with the man of the house headed out to work on his normal time and the boy headed out to his afterContinue reading “Who Chases A Mouse While Nakedb”

Slocum’s Goes To Cleveland For A Car Show And Cheesecake

As I was going through my journal, I came across a journal entry where we make a split decision to head to Cleveland for a car show. We aren’t much for a big city so, we rarely go but the boy has been asking if we could go to a car show being held inContinue reading “Slocum’s Goes To Cleveland For A Car Show And Cheesecake”

O Won’t Come Out

Continuing down memory lane, I came across the journal entry where our puppy O has had a mind of it’s own. The day started out really rough. I am having one of those day’s where I am hurting like a freight train passing a ho-bo. The boy’s are off to work and I can’t getContinue reading “O Won’t Come Out”

Baring It All

As I came across this journal entry I am about to share, I see a theme that has been taken place for the last couple of entries: where I bare it all. Let me explain. The day starts out like any other normal day in our household. The boy’s go to work. I go aboutContinue reading “Baring It All”

The Naked Truth

Continuing down memory lane, I ran across the joournal entry where I did something I would never ever do normally. So, as the boy’s have been working these last few weeks, I have decided I need a project other than my normal chores. So, I set out to purchase paint and decided to paint theContinue reading “The Naked Truth”

O Makes A Friend

So I came across the journal entry where our puppy makes a new friend. You see, since the man of the house has been called back to work, ALL dogs have to go outside in their outside cages. Why, you might ask? Well while the man of the house has been layed off, he wasContinue reading “O Makes A Friend”

Long A@@ Day

So, I came across this journal entry where this one day seem like it took forever to be over. The day started out with the man of the house leaving, the boy going to work, and me doing my thing but for some reason, I am in a mood. The man of the house isContinue reading “Long A@@ Day”

Chasing Foxes And Fixing Mailboxes

Continuing down memory lane, this journal entry in which I am about to tell is brought to you by drama. For you see, the mail woman keeps hitting the mailbox and now the boxs just lays on the ground although in a position to recieve mail, she refuses to put the mail inside. We haveContinue reading “Chasing Foxes And Fixing Mailboxes”

These $1700 Flowers Are Really Paying Off

I’m still going down memory lane, when I came across the journal entry where these $1700 flowers are the gift that keeps on giving. The day started out semi-normal. Both boy’s are out the door but only together to go to the man of the house’s mom’s house to give her flowers and all herContinue reading “These $1700 Flowers Are Really Paying Off”