So Annoyed

Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry is just a b$tch session on how annoyed I am with my so called husband. The day in question started with me being woke up to the man of the house handing me a baby who not only needed changed but also fed. We had kept theContinue reading “So Annoyed”

This Is Getting Out Of Hand

Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry is all about the girlfriend and how she wwent to the Emergency Room and was not seen. Hospital’s services are getting way out of hand and people who are in need are getting screwed out the a@@ in being billed way too much or not being seen.Continue reading “This Is Getting Out Of Hand”

Finger Complications

Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry is from complications or so we thought from the finger the man of the house almost cut off from taking down a metal shed. The day in question started with me waking up to noise. I hate noise. Usually unwelcomed noise comes from mice and I hateContinue reading “Finger Complications”

Man Of The House Slashes His Finger

Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry is thanks to the fact the man of the house almost slashes his finger off. The middle finger no less. The day in questio started out rather normal I would say and just as I was finishing up my lunch, the man of the house called toContinue reading “Man Of The House Slashes His Finger”

Taking The Baby To The Hospital

Memory lane continues as we start the month of March of 2023 journal entries and this journal entry concerns the baby and the girlfriend’s mother which I am so over. The day in question started by the man of the house being off seeng as it is the weekend. He was off to do hisContinue reading “Taking The Baby To The Hospital”

Moving And Pick Up

Continuing down memory lane, this journal entry is concerning a day full of moving and baby drama. The day in question started by the man of the house and I getting up pretty early to change the house around. I had finally convinced the man of the house the room needed to be changed aroundContinue reading “Moving And Pick Up”

Get The Baby Again? Yes, Please

Continuing down memory lane and according to this journal entry, we had the baby, turned him back over to his parents, and then got him agan and we weren’t mad about it at all. The day in question started with us waking up early to the baby wailing wanting to be fed. In fact, weContinue reading “Get The Baby Again? Yes, Please”

The Girlfriend Goes To The Hospital

Continuing down memory lane, I came across the journal entry concerning the girlfriend. The night before ended normally but we have transferred into the day in question and the boy calling me in the middle of night in which I was sleeping rather well. I almost thought it was a dream before I realized myContinue reading “The Girlfriend Goes To The Hospital”