She’s What And Now She’s Upset

Continuing down memory lane, and this journal entry is all about that girlfriend and her mama. To say I am over the girlfriend’s mother is an understatement. She can cause more drama than any woman I know.

Like the day in question. I had been doing extremely well. I was up, done my chores, and making a plan for what I was going to do with the rest of my day when my cell rang.

It was my mother. She was practally screaming at me. I had no clue what I had done and I instantly was over it not to mention the instant headache.

She finally took a breath. Once she was breathing normally, she asked if I had seen the girlfriend’s mother’s post. I had not but I knew from the sounds of her high rising voice again, I better. In an instant, I wish I hadn’t.

Staring right before me was a post stating the girlfriend was pregnant. Are you kidding me right now? Please let this be a false post or positive test. I can’t be a grandmother again. Don’t get me wrong, I love the grandchild we have now but he wasn’t part of my plan or what I wanted for he boy at this stage in his life. He was suppose to go to college not trapped with a baby. Well, trapped may be the wrong word but he wasn’t supposed to be a father now.

So, yes, I am upse. I told my mom I would try to get ahold of the girlfriend or boy and see what the lowdown was. Of course, neither one of them would answer. I went about to eat everything we had in the house while calling them every five minutes. I wanted to hear either of their voices and wanted the answers I pray I never get.

The man of the house came home and he immediately laid into me over the boy and what was posted. He wanted to get back in the car and go find these two but I talked him down from the ledge. I thought about going to her mom’s house to demand answers but I wanted to give the boy the chance to respond first.

So, we spent the first part of the evening hoping either the girlfriend or the boy would call. And to make matters worse, neither one of them had thier life360 location turned on. I was highly upset.

Just when I was about to loose it, the boy called. He didn’t even let me get a word in before he was addressing the elephant in the room. She was not pregant. Thank you, Jesus. However, her brother’s girlfriend was. Okay, fine. I don’t care about that. Good for him.

The girlfriend’s mother had just made a mistake in her post and people was going crazy over it and she was upset about all the negativity she was getting over it and allowing her daughter to get pregnant so fast after the first time. You think?

According to him, the girlfriend’s mother was so upset, she had taken the baby, yes, our grandchild, to go see her step daughter and she hadn’t returned yet and he was calling to see if we had heard anything from her. As if. Now has she done and gone kidnaped our baby? I was freaking out.

I had already been freaked out about the possibility of a new baby and now we lost the one we have. Should we call the cops?

The boy was on his way to the girlfriend’s sister’s house and he would be in contact. We would wait anxiously for the rest of the night hoping the one baby we had would be okay.

The boy called around midnight to state the girlfriend’s mother was indeed at the sister’s house and refused to let the baby go. The baby was so upset and everytime he reached for the boy, she would hold him closer. All over a stupid facebook post that in all reality, she had no right in posting in the first place. I was so angry.

But finally the boy was able to grab the baby out of the girlfriend’s mom’s hands, load him up, and head for home. And what about the girlfriend? Where had she been the whole time? In tears. Yep. She had spent the whole day crying. The whole situation had quickly gotten out of control but thankfully, her post had been false which I am grateful for and the baby we did have would be safely tucked into his crib, thank you, Lord, and I was more than willing to put this day in the life of a Slocum in the memory book.

Published by janslocum

Trying to get through life one day at a time and love others

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