Doing What The Man Of The House Wants

Continuing down memory lane, and this is all about the man of the house and what he wants to do for once. The day in question starts with me waking up to the sounds of a baby crying. I had almost forgotten we got the baby the night before because the boy and the girlfriendContinue reading “Doing What The Man Of The House Wants”

Three Months And A Cremation

Continuing down memory lane, and this journal entry is about the boy and what was happenig in his life at the end of of January of this year.  The day in question, I woke up in a good mood for once. I knew without looking at a calendar, our grandson was three month’s old today.Continue reading “Three Months And A Cremation”

Car And Work Issues Or Is It

Continuing down memory lane and this journal and this journal entry is thanks to the man of the house. The day in question is about two day’s from the end of last year and of course the man of the house has forgotten to take his holiday day’s of work so now he is forcedContinue reading “Car And Work Issues Or Is It”

Working Way To Hard

Continuing down memory lane and this journal entry is thanks to the boy and his softness of heart. The day in question started normal and no real drama. The man of the house came and did his thing and we were just settling in for the evening when I noticed on life360 that the boyContinue reading “Working Way To Hard”

The Boy’s Last Day At His First Major Job

Continuing down memory lane, I came across the journal entry concerning the boy’s last day at his first major job. Granted, he has worked at a job before but not a job that has provided him a way of moving out, paying for rent, bills, and other things as well, not to mention the factContinue reading “The Boy’s Last Day At His First Major Job”

No Barbeque For The Boy

continting my journey down my memory lane, and I wanted to share just a little something from this one journal entry concerning the boy. The day starts like every other day. with both boys leaving for work leaving me to do my daily chores then when those are done, freeing me to go about myContinue reading “No Barbeque For The Boy”

Surprise Visit

I know I’m falling behind on my memory lane journey but, I have just cause. But, I’m bck at it and as I continue down memory lane, I come across the journal entry where I get a surprise visit. The day in question starts by the man of the house leaving for work like normalContinue reading “Surprise Visit”

Work Troubles

Continuing down memory lane, I came across the hournal entry where both boy’s have work trouble and I’m completely over it. The day started out with the man of the house leaving in another snow storm and the weather was calling for it to be big mixed with ice. Love that. Then the boy, whoContinue reading “Work Troubles”

Is This Crazy Or Is It Just Me

So, I was going through my journal entry and came across the journal entry where I was ranting about the hours the boy is getting. So, the day in question started out with the man of the house heading to the junkyard instead of a regular job. I’m tired of being in panic mode allContinue reading “Is This Crazy Or Is It Just Me”

When I Want To Be Alone No One Will Let Me

So as I was going through my journal, I came across the journal wntry where I think God answered a prayer in an unexpected way. Let me explain. You see, the man of the house has been without a job for a little while after he was let go from his concrete position. He’s hadContinue reading “When I Want To Be Alone No One Will Let Me”