Doing What The Man Of The House Wants

Continuing down memory lane, and this is all about the man of the house and what he wants to do for once.

The day in question starts with me waking up to the sounds of a baby crying. I had almost forgotten we got the baby the night before because the boy and the girlfriend was going to the city with a friend of his to get a part of some sort. Like I really wanted to know. I was just happy to have the baby and of course the boy’s puppy.

However, he was supposed to be coming home to go with us to the man of the house’s work party. Yep. That was what was on the agenda for the day. Now mind you, I’m not big for parties let alone work ones but the man of the house was excited about this one. After all, it was going to be taken place at a gun club and there would be fishing, games, and of course shooting. He was excited to take the boy and introduce him to his work crew. So, I was thinking he had better show up.

But for now, the man of the house and I were enjoying the grandkids. While I was feeding the baby, he got a call from one of his friends asking if we might be willing to help him move. Now, I like the guy mind you but moving him, wasn’t too keen on. I figured if we showed up, he be drunk as a skunk and we would end up doing all the work. But the look on the man of the house’s face made me give in.

So, we packed up both the baby and puppy and headed out to the old house. I was pleasantly surprised to find the guy was sober and had done most of the packing and all we had to do was put the boxes on the trailer which took no time at all. Did I mention how well behaved the baby and the puppy were? In fact, they both slept through the stacking of boxes, furniture and whatever the guy put on the trailer.

Unpacking went good as well. Although the baby was awake, he didn’t give us any problems. In fact, he set in amazement at all the different shapes and sizes. Unloaded went pretty fast and soon we home getting ready for the party.

And that is when everything went down hill. The boy called. He was still in the city and was no way he was going to make it. The man of the house was devastated but tried not to show it. But you can’t fake something when you have been married for over twenty year. I knew he was upset.

So, I was determined we would have a good time no matter what. I just prayed the baby would cooperate. Of course, we got lost getting there but oh once we found the place, it was well worth getting lost and we had a good time.

The gun club was back in the wood’s surrounded by a beautiful pond, gazebo, picnic area, and cabins. The food was great and the co-workers weren’t that bad. We ended up playing games, and passing the baby, and enjoying the night surround with a fire with the moonlight hitting the pond just right was nothing short of beautiful.

By the time we got home, everyone was wore out, and we immediately headed for bed. However, the boy wanted his baby and puppy back but I told him in no uncertain terms he was not to come to pick up. The baby was tired and already to sleep and I had locked the door and was gearing up to put this day in the life of a Slocum in the memory books where it belonged.

Published by janslocum

Trying to get through life one day at a time and love others

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